Top Channing Tatum Films Ranked See Our List!

Channing Tatum has become one of Hollywood’s most beloved actors, captivating audiences with his talent and charm. From his breakout role in “Step Up” to his iconic performance in “Magic Mike,” Tatum has proven his versatility and left a lasting impression on the industry.

In this article, we will rank the best Channing Tatum movies based on critical acclaim and audience reception. Discover the films that showcase Tatum’s incredible range as an actor and see if your favorite made the list!

Key Takeaways:

  • Channing Tatum has had a successful career in Hollywood, with standout performances in various genres.
  • “Step Up” and the “Magic Mike” trilogy are iconic films that showcase Tatum’s dancing skills and charismatic presence.
  • “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints” and “The Hateful Eight” highlight Tatum’s versatility as an actor.
  • “Dog” marks Tatum’s directorial debut and showcases his talent behind the camera as well.
  • Explore the diverse filmography of Channing Tatum and find your next favorite movie!

15. G.I. JOE series (2009, 2013)

Tatum established his action bona fides in the “G.I. Joe” film series, which includes “The Rise of Cobra” (2009) and “Retaliation” (2013). While these films may not have received critical acclaim, they showcase Tatum’s physicality and charm. They are popular among fans of the action genre and contribute to Tatum’s overall filmography.

If you’re a fan of Channing Tatum’s charismatic presence and love action-packed movies, the “G.I. Joe” series is worth checking out. While they may not be his highest rated films, Tatum’s performance and the thrilling storyline make for an enjoyable watch.

Channing Tatum Film Rankings

Movie TitleYear
The Rise of Cobra2009

14. STEP UP series (2006, 2008)

The Step Up series, consisting of “Step Up” (2006) and its sequel “Step Up 2: The Streets” (2008), played a pivotal role in Channing Tatum’s rise to stardom. These dance/romance films not only showcased Tatum’s impressive dancing skills but also solidified his status as a versatile actor.

In the first installment, “Step Up,” Tatum portrays Tyler Gage, a rebellious street dancer who forms an unexpected connection with a classically trained ballerina. Tatum’s natural talent and charisma brought depth to his character, capturing the hearts of audiences worldwide.

The sequel, “Step Up 2: The Streets,” follows a new set of characters but features Tatum in a supporting role. Despite his limited screen time, Tatum’s presence leaves a lasting impact, showcasing his ability to captivate audiences regardless of the size of his role.

With these films, Channing Tatum not only proved his dancing prowess but also highlighted his ability to portray characters with depth and authenticity. The Step Up series remains a fan-favorite, further solidifying Tatum’s position as one of Hollywood’s most versatile actors.


“A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints” (2006) is a coming-of-age drama that showcases Channing Tatum’s exceptional acting skills and range. Based on a memoir, the film delves into the themes of friendship, family, and self-discovery. Tatum’s portrayal of a troubled teenager is nothing short of remarkable, earning him critical acclaim and solidifying his position as one of the industry’s finest performers.

In this film, Tatum exhibits his ability to captivate audiences with his raw and authentic performance. He effortlessly embodies his character, bringing a depth and vulnerability that resonates with viewers. Tatum’s portrayal presents a true testament to his talent and versatility as an actor.

Directed by Dito Montiel, “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints” offers a thought-provoking exploration of youth, identity, and the struggles of growing up. Tatum’s masterful performance in this poignant drama further establishes his prominence in the realm of cinema.

“Channing Tatum’s performance in ‘A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints’ is a revelation. He brings a level of intensity and emotional depth to his character that is both captivating and haunting.” –

With his powerful portrayal and impactful presence, Tatum elevates “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints” to a level of brilliance, making it an essential entry in his filmography.

Movie TitleYearGenre
A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints2006Drama


In “Public Enemies” (2009), Channing Tatum portrays the infamous gangster Pretty Boy Floyd. Although his screen time is limited, Tatum delivers a memorable performance, showcasing his ability to bring depth to even a supporting role. Directed by Michael Mann, the film received critical acclaim and further solidified Tatum’s presence in the industry.

Channing Tatum’s Performance

“Public Enemies” allows Channing Tatum to demonstrate his versatility as an actor. Despite his limited appearance, Tatum captivates audiences with his portrayal of the notorious gangster. He brings a sense of charisma and complexity to the character, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.”

The Film’s Critical Reception

“Public Enemies” received favorable reviews from critics, who praised its stylish direction and immersive storytelling. The film’s compelling performances, including Tatum’s, contributed to its critical acclaim and further cemented Tatum’s status as a talented actor in Hollywood.

Channing Tatum Filmography and Highest Rated Movies

“Public Enemies” is a noteworthy addition to Channing Tatum’s filmography, highlighting his range as an actor. While the film may not be one of his most prominent roles, it showcases his talent for delivering impactful performances even in supporting parts.

Explore the table below for a comprehensive overview of Channing Tatum’s highest rated movies:

1Hail, Caesar!2016
2The LEGO Movie2014
321 Jump Street2012
4Kingsman: The Golden Circle2017

11. DEAR JOHN (2010)

In Channing Tatum’s filmography, “Dear John” (2010) holds a special place as a romantic drama that showcases his talent in portraying emotionally complex characters. The film, based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks, tells the story of a soldier, played by Tatum, who falls in love with a woman, played by Amanda Seyfried. The heartfelt performances of the leads and the touching narrative resonated with audiences, making “Dear John” a beloved addition to Tatum’s movie list.

Note: The image above showcases one of the most memorable scenes from “Dear John.”

Notable Features of “Dear John”

  • Tatum’s portrayal of a soldier in love
  • Amanda Seyfried’s compelling performance as the female lead
  • The emotional depth of the storyline
  • The film’s ability to connect with audiences on an emotional level

“Dear John is a beautiful portrayal of love and sacrifice, with Channing Tatum delivering a heartfelt performance that draws viewers into the emotional journey of his character.” – Movie Reviewer


The “Magic Mike” trilogy, including the upcoming “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” (2023), is iconic in Channing Tatum’s filmography. With his real-life experience as a male stripper, Tatum brings authenticity and charisma to the role, captivating audiences with his performances. These films showcase Tatum’s impressive dance skills and solidify his status as a leading man in Hollywood.

Throughout the “Magic Mike” series, Tatum’s portrayal of the titular character has received critical acclaim and demonstrated his versatility as an actor. From the electrifying dance sequences to the heartfelt moments of vulnerability, Tatum’s performances have captivated audiences and elevated the franchise to new heights.

As the final installment of the trilogy, “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” promises to deliver an unforgettable conclusion to the beloved series. Fans can anticipate another mesmerizing display of Tatum’s talent and a fitting send-off to the character that has become synonymous with his name.

A Career-Defining Role

Channing Tatum’s portrayal of Magic Mike has not only showcased his physical prowess and dance abilities but has also allowed him to explore complex character dynamics. The character’s journey throughout the trilogy reflects Tatum’s own growth as an actor, demonstrating his range and depth.

“Being part of the ‘Magic Mike’ franchise has been a transformative experience for me as an actor. I’ve had the opportunity to immerse myself in a character that is both gritty and vulnerable, showcasing different aspects of my craft. It’s been an incredible privilege to be a part of this story and bring it to life on the big screen.”

With the combination of Tatum’s magnetic performance and the compelling narrative of “Magic Mike,” the trilogy has garnered a dedicated fanbase and secured its place in cinematic history. The upcoming “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” is highly anticipated, and fans are eagerly awaiting the final chapter of this iconic series.


In Quentin Tarantino’s “The Hateful Eight” (2015), Channing Tatum takes on a key role as a villainous character, showcasing his versatility as an actor. His portrayal adds tension and intrigue to the film, which features a stellar ensemble cast. Tatum’s collaboration with Tarantino further solidifies his position in the ranks of top actors in the industry.

Featuring an engaging storyline and Tarantino’s signature style, “The Hateful Eight” captivates audiences with its gripping performances and intense atmosphere. Tatum’s exceptional acting skills shine through in this critically acclaimed film, elevating his filmography and solidifying his reputation as a talented and versatile actor.

“The Hateful Eight is a masterclass in storytelling, with Tatum’s performance as a villain adding an extra layer of intrigue.” – Film Critic

To give you a better understanding of Channing Tatum’s filmography, take a look at the table below, which ranks his top films based on critical acclaim, audience reception, and overall performance:

RankFilmRelease Year
1Magic Mike2012
321 Jump Street2012
4Kingsman: The Golden Circle2017
5Logan Lucky2017

From his early breakout role in “Step Up” to his captivating performance in “The Hateful Eight,” Channing Tatum has proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with in Hollywood. Stay tuned as we continue to unveil his top films and explore his journey as one of the industry’s most talented actors.

8. DOG (2022)

Channing Tatum’s filmography expands to include his directorial debut, DOG (2022). This project allows Tatum to showcase his talent for storytelling not only in front of the camera but also behind it. In this emotionally gripping film, Tatum delivers a poignant performance as a former soldier grappling with the challenges of PTSD.

Tatum’s commitment to his craft is evident as he takes on the role of a director, pushing his boundaries and exploring new creative avenues. Through DOG, he establishes himself as not just a versatile actor but also a promising director who can captivate audiences with his storytelling prowess.

7. LOGAN LUCKY (2017)

“Logan Lucky” (2017) is a heist comedy directed by Steven Soderbergh, a frequent collaborator of Channing Tatum. In this film, Tatum demonstrates his impeccable comedic timing and on-screen charisma, solidifying his reputation as a versatile actor. “Logan Lucky” showcases Tatum’s ability to excel in both action-packed and comedic roles, further establishing his position in Hollywood.

With its clever plot and witty dialogue, “Logan Lucky” captivates audiences with its unique blend of humor and suspense. Tatum’s portrayal of one of the lead characters adds depth and charm to the film, earning him critical acclaim for his performance. This movie is not only a testament to Tatum’s talent but also a fan favorite in his filmography.

As one of his best performances, “Logan Lucky” showcases Tatum’s ability to entertain and captivate viewers with his magnetic presence. This film further solidifies his standing as a versatile actor with a range that extends beyond traditional action roles. Tatum’s impressive performance in “Logan Lucky” cements his position among Hollywood’s most talented and sought-after actors.


What are the best Channing Tatum movies ranked?

The best Channing Tatum movies ranked include “Step Up,” “Magic Mike,” “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints,” “Public Enemies,” “Dear John,” “Magic Mike’s Last Dance,” “The Hateful Eight,” “Dog,” and “Logan Lucky.”

What is Channing Tatum’s filmography?

Channing Tatum’s filmography includes a diverse range of films such as “Step Up,” “Magic Mike,” “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra,” “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints,” “Public Enemies,” “Dear John,” “The Hateful Eight,” “Dog,” “Logan Lucky,” and many more.

What are the top Channing Tatum movies?

The top Channing Tatum movies include “Step Up,” “Magic Mike,” “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints,” “Public Enemies,” “Dear John,” “Magic Mike’s Last Dance,” “The Hateful Eight,” “Dog,” and “Logan Lucky.”

What are Channing Tatum’s best roles?

Some of Channing Tatum’s best roles include his performances in “Step Up,” “Magic Mike,” “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints,” “Public Enemies,” “Dear John,” “Magic Mike’s Last Dance,” “The Hateful Eight,” “Dog,” and “Logan Lucky.”

What are the rankings of Channing Tatum’s films?

The rankings of Channing Tatum’s films include “Step Up,” “Magic Mike,” “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints,” “Public Enemies,” “Dear John,” “Magic Mike’s Last Dance,” “The Hateful Eight,” “Dog,” and “Logan Lucky.”

What are the highest rated Channing Tatum movies?

The highest rated Channing Tatum movies include “A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints,” “Public Enemies,” “Dear John,” “The Hateful Eight,” “Dog,” and “Logan Lucky.”
