Tom Duncan Obituary, Villa Rica GA Bicycle, Man Killed In Deadly Accident


Tom Duncan Obituary, Death – It was announced on Monday that Tom Duncan, who had been the editor of the Newham Recorder since its inception, had gone away. His passing served as a token of respect for the event. At this point in time, Duncan is 86 years old.

He has served as the editor of the journal for more than three decades, beginning with its humble beginnings and first publication in the year 1968. He has been in charge of the publication since its inception. In acknowledgment of the services that Duncan has made to the community within the borough of Newham, the title of honorary freeman of Newham was bestowed upon him in the year 2000. For the past quarter of a century,

Duncan had been serving as a priest at All Saints Church, which is located in Poplar. Throughout the period that Duncan served at the church, the congregation held him in extremely high esteem and held him in very high regard. He had the opportunity to preside over hundreds of significant occasions throughout that time period, including marriages, baptisms, and funerals, among other things.

Duncan’s passing occurred at his residence in Beckton, and following his passing, tributes were paid to express gratitude for his life. Duncan’s passing was a moving experience. “He was a towering figure and a very important voice in the community,” said Sir Stephen Timms, who is the Member of Parliament for East Ham. “He was a very important voice in the community.”

As a consequence of Tom’s significant contribution to the Newham Needs campaign, which ultimately resulted in an increase in funding for the borough, there was a significant transformation that took place.

